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HELP for Kids Receives $10,000 grant from Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
HELP for Kids Receives $10,000 grant from Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
March 15, 2021
March 2021
HELP for Kids Center received a $10,000 grant from Fairfield County’s Community Foundation to implement the home based Healthy Families America program.
Healthy Families America® (HFA) is the nationally-recognized, evidence-based home visiting program of Prevent Child Abuse America® (PCA). HFA supports families in the home and focuses on building nurturing, safe and secure relationships between parent and child to maximize opportunities for all children –and parents– to reach their full potential. A child’s first relationships and earliest experiences lay the foundation for health and well-being throughout their entire lives. At scale, stronger childhoods lead to stronger families and more successful communities.
HFA nurtures child development, including long-term improvements in children’s school performance, and prevents adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), such as child abuse and neglect.
HFA demonstrates positive outcomes for children and families, including reductions in child abuse and neglect. These positive outcomes represent findings from independent researchers replicated across multiple studies, including randomized control trial and quasi-experimental studies. This growing body of independent research shows HFA decreases child maltreatment.
Improved school readiness and adjustment, reduced child abuse and neglect, an increase in family functioning and self-sufficiency, and broad health and fiscal benefits are just some of the positive effects HFA has on communities.
As a nonprofit partner and thought leader since 1992, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation brings together passionate people and trusted resources to solve our region’s challenges through innovative, collaborative solutions. Their goal is to close the opportunity gap in Fairfield County by eliminating disparities in income, education, employment, housing and health.
The vision of FCCF to foster a vital and inclusive community where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. The mission to promote philanthropy as a means to create lasting change in Fairfield County. The values is guided by a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, collaboration and integrity.
Community foundations are public charities which help people and organizations make a difference by improving the lives of residents and bolstering the impact of nonprofits, with an emphasis on a particular geographic region.
Among the largest of Connecticut’s 17 community foundations, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation is dedicated to supporting donors, nonprofits and our whole community.
To learn more about Fairfield County’s Community Foundation visit their website at https://fccfoundation.org/